





​乐鱼,配有同声传译:国际大咖云集 --IWA国际水协第18届可持续污泥技术与管理会议,会议时间:2024年5月17日—20日,会议地点:北京国测国际会议会展中心 ,报名注册:https://iwa-slud


焦点提醒:配有同声传译:国际年夜咖云集 --IWA国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议,会议时候:2024年5月17日—20日,会议地址:北京国测国际会议会展中间 ,报名注册:https://iwa-sludge-2024.casconf.cn/userRegister 接待各界人士参会, 详情征询: 王领全 13752275003(微信同号)金晟 18622273726(微信同号) 孙磊13702113519(微信同号)中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)配有同声传译:国际年夜咖云集 --IWA国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议,会议时候:2024年5月17日—20日,会议地址:北京国测国际会议会展中间 ,报名注册:https://iwa-sludge-2024.casconf.cn/userRegister 接待各界人士参会, 详情征询: 王领全 13752275003(微信同号)金晟 18622273726(微信同号) 孙磊13702113519(微信同号)配有同声传译:国际年夜咖云集 --IWA国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议 议报名注册:https://iwa-sludge-2024.casconf.cn/userRegister【日程】国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议http://www.water8848.com/news/202311/14/148109.html 国际水协(International Water Association,IWA)是全球主要的水行业专业协会,成员包罗来自豪学、研究机构、项目和征询公司、公用事业单元的全球专家。IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management系各国际会议至今已举行17届,2024年在中国举行系列会议的第18届国际会议(2024.5.17-20 北京)。终究日程IWA Sludge Conference Programme Version 5.020240513.pdfConference Information会议消息The 18thIWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议中 国 环 境 科 学 学 会 固 废 分 会2024年年会第1届中国污泥100人高层手艺与治理论坛Beijing, China — 18-20, May 2024CONFERENCE GUIDECo-organizers:RegistrationConference Onsite Registration2024-05-17(Friday)Conference OnsiteRegistration8:00-12:00Beijing China-Germany International Conference Convention & Exhibition Center(北京中德国际会议会展中间)Buffet Lunch12:00-13:30Dinner Hall in Beijing China-Germany International ConferenceConference OnsiteRegistration12:00-22:00Beijing China-Germany International Conference Convention & Exhibition Center(北京中德国际会议会展中间)Dinner18:30-20:00Dinner Hall in Beijing China-Germany International ConferenceConvention & Exhibition Center2024-05-18(Saturday)Conference OnsiteRegistration8:00-12:00Beijing China-Germany International Conference Convention & Exhibition Center(北京中德国际会议会展中间)Buffet Lunch12:00-13:30Dinner Hall in Beijing China-Germany International ConferenceConvention & Exhibition Center1Conference Onsite Registration Location(First Floor Plan of Beijing China-Germany International Conference Convention & Exhibition Center)Conference ProgrammeOpening Ceremony & Keynote SpeechOpening Speech Delivered by Secretary-general of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences中国情况科学学会秘书长致揭幕辞Opening Remark Delivered by President Elect of International Water Association (IWA)国际水协(IWA)被选主席致揭幕辞9:00-9:45Opening Speech Delivered by Chairman of Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd北京城市排水团体董事长致揭幕辞OpeningCeremonyOpening Remark Delivered by Chair of Solid Waste Division, Chinese Societyfor Environmental Sciences中国情况科学学会固废分会主任致揭幕词Opening Speech Delivered by Chair of Sludge Management Specialist Group, IWA国际水协(IWA)污泥专家委员会主席致揭幕词Achievement Award of the 2024 P. Aarne Vesilind Specialist Medal for Residuals Research国际污泥手艺与治理带领者“成绩奖”颁奖典礼Appointment Ceremony of International Expert in Sludge Research Field国际污泥范畴专家聘用典礼Coffee Break 9:45-10:0010:00-10:30Sludge Management Challenges - Current Status and Future Trends in the U.S. and Beyond污泥治理挑战——美国和其他地域确当前状况和将来趋向Kwok-Wai Richard Tsang (CDM Smith, United States )10:00-12:00 10:30-11:00Application and Effect of Advanced Anaerobic Digestion Technology in Beijing DrainageGroup Co., Ltd.北排团体污泥高级厌氧消化手艺利用实践与成效Lei Shi(Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd., China)KeynoteSpeech11:00-11:30The Development and Future Trend of Sludge Management in Japan日本污泥治理的成长和将来趋向Masaki Takaoka (Kyoto University, Japan)11:30-12:00Green Low-carbon Sustainable Technology for Sludge Resources Recovery and Utilization污泥绿色低碳可延续资本化操纵手艺成长趋向Guoren Xu(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Buffet Lunch 12:00-13:30GuoCe Hall 2024.05.182Conference ProgrammeKeynote Speech13:30-14:00Sludge/Biosolids Management: A New Global Vision and the Regulatory Evolution in Europe污泥/生物固体治理:全球新视野和欧洲的监管演化Ludovico Spinosa(ISO/CEN Expert Member, UNI/GL5 Coordinator, Env. Cons. at ETS s.r.l., Bari, Italy)13:30-15:30 14:00-14:30The Changing Landscape of Biosolids Management Around the World – What Does theFuture Hold?全球生物固体治理款式的转变——将来成长趋向?Banu Örmeci(Carleton University, Canada)KeynoteSpeech14:30-15:00Recent Developments and Future Trends of Sludge Management in Europe and Turkey欧洲和土耳其污泥治理的最新成长和将来趋向F. Dilek Sanin (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)15:00-15:30Resource Recovery from Sludge - challenges and the way forward污泥资本收受接管——挑战与进步之路Yan Zhou(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)Coffee Break 15:30-15:4515:45-16:15Evolutional Approaches to Handling Sludge from Wastewater Treatment污水污泥处置体例的演化Xiaodi Hao (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China)15:45-17:4516:15-16:45Technical Advances and Case Studies on Sludge Composting in China中国污泥好氧发酵与地盘操纵手艺研究进展Ji Li (China Agricultural University, China)KeynoteSpeech16:45-17:15Sludge Management in Europe and China, Current Practice, Challenge and Outlook欧洲和中国的污泥治理:实际,挑战和瞻望Ping Shi (Suez Environmental Technology, Beijing China)17:15-17:45Veolia's New "Green Up" Program&Tomorrow's Municipal Sludge Solutions威立雅新计谋打算“GreenUp”,为市政污泥处置缔造明天的处理方案Xiaohua Chen (Veolia Water Technologies (Beijing) Co., Ltd, China)Dinner18:00-20:003GuoCe Hall 2024.05.18Conference ProgrammeThe 1stChina Top 100 Sludge Forum第1届中国污泥100人高层手艺与治理论坛8:30-8:55Environmental Management of Industrial Sludge工业污泥的情况治理Qifei Huang(Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, China)黄启飞(中国情况科学研究院,中国)8:30-10:25 8:55-9:20Policies and Trends for the Emerging Pollutants Control in China新污染物管理政策与成长标的目的Ying Chen (Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China,)陈瑛(生态情况部固体废料治理中间,中国)ParallelSessions9:20-9:45Reflection on Process Selection and Design Difficulties of Sludge and Industrial Waste Co-incineration污泥与工业废物夹杂燃烧工艺线路选择和设想难点思虑Minghua Dai (Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute,China)戴明华(北京市政项目设想研究总院,中国)9:45-10:10Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Integrated Processes of Sludge Deep Dewatering and Recycling污泥深度脱水与资本化集成工艺和其全生命周期评估Dongsheng Wang (Zhejiang University,China)王东升(浙江年夜学,中国)10:10-10:25Discussion会商Coffee Break 10:25-10:3510:35-11:00Treatment and Reuse of Sewage Sludge in China: Status and Prospect中国污泥处置与资本化:近况与前景Yuansong Wei(Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)魏源送(中国科学院生态情况研究中间,中国)10:35-12:00 11:00-11:25Exemplary Industrial Composting System: SACT工业化堆肥系统典型:SACTTao Wang (Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd., China)王涛(机器科学研究总院,中国)ParallelSessions11:25-11:50Existing Standard System and Future Direction of Standard Development for Sludge Treatment and Disposal in China中国污泥处置措置现有尺度系统和将来成长标的目的Xiuteng Wang (China National Institute of Standardization, China)王秀腾(中国尺度化研究院,中国)11:50-12:05Discussion会商Buffet Lunch 12:05-13:304GuoCe Hall 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeThe 1stChina Top 100 Sludge Forum第1届中国污泥100人高层手艺与治理论坛14:00-14:25The Research and Application of the Conditioning and Dewatering for Sludge fromAdvanced Anaerobic Digestion in Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd.北排高级厌氧消化污泥调度脱水手艺研发与利用结果Jiawei Wang (Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd., China)王佳伟(北京排水团体,中国)14:00-16:05 14:25-14:50Practices of Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal in Tianjin天津市污泥处置与措置实践Jinhe Li (Tianjin Capital Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd., China)李金河(天津创业环保团体,中国)ParallelSessions 14:50-15:15Practice of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal城市污泥处置措置的实践Biqing Li (Guangzhou Sewage Purification Co., Ltd., China)李碧清(广州市清水无限公司,中国)15:15-15:40Challenges and Future Outlook of Land Application of Sewage Sludge in China中国污土壤地操纵的挑战阐发和前景瞻望Xiang Chen (Yangtze Eco-Environment Engineering Research Center, China)陈祥(长江环保团体,中国)15:40-15:55Discussion会商Coffee Break 15:55-16:0516:05-16:30The Innovative Technology and Route of Resource Recovery and Energy Utilization of Sludge污泥能源资本化处置措置新路径与新手艺Yunfei Tan(Zhongyuan Environment-Protection Co., Ltd., China)谭云飞(华夏环保无限公司,中国)16:05-17:35 16:30-16:55SUEZ's Global Experience in Sludge Resource Utilization苏伊士污泥资本化的全球经验Zhonghong Cheng (Suez Asia)程忠红(苏伊士亚洲,中国)ParallelSessions 16:55-17:20Innovation and Practice of Collaborative Treatment of Sludge by Coal-fired Power Plants ofLongyuan Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd龙源环保燃煤汽锅协同处置污泥立异与实践Zezhong Wang(China Energy Longyuan Environmental Protection Co., Ltd, China)王泽中 (国能龙源环保公司,中国)17:20-17:35Discussion会商Dinner18:30-20:005GuoCe Hall 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeSESSION 1 Emerging contaminants in sludge – management, treatment, and safe transformation8:00-8:25Pyrolysis of Sewage Sludge in Molten Salt Environment: Effects on Heavy Metals Behavior and EcologicalRisk熔融盐情况中污水污泥热解:重金属行动和生态风险影响Zeyu Fan (Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, China)Qi Lu1, Zeyu Fan*,1, Xian Zhou, Ziling Peng , Zhuo Fan Gao , Shanshan Deng, Xia Chen*1. Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, China8:00-10:058:25-8:50Fates and Risk Control of Mercury and Methylmercury in Sludge Biological Treatment污泥生物处置进程中汞和甲基汞的迁徙与风险节制Jibao Liu (Tokyo Institute of Technology,Japan)Jibao Liu2, Zhen Bao1, Jinyi Wei1, Manabu Fujii2, Yixin Zhang1, Yuansong Wei1, *1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2. Tokyo Institute of Technology,JapanParallelSessions8:50-9:15Fate of Emerging Contaminants in Biosolids on Thermal Pretreatment and Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion在热预处置和中温厌氧消化进程中生物固体中新兴污染物的迁徙转化Ashish K Sahu (Cambi Group AS, Norway)Gowtham Balasundaram1, Pallavi Gahlot1, Vinay Kumar Tyagi2, Absar A Kazmi1, Harald Kleiven3, Ashish K Sahu31.Indian Institute of Technology, India 2.National Institute of Hydrology, India 3.Cambi Group AS, Norway9:15-9:40Metagenomic Analysis Reveals the Effects of Potassium Ferrate Loaded Steel Slag on Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Digested Sludge and Its Risk Assessment宏基因组阐发揭露铁酸钾负载钢渣对消化污泥中抗生素耐药基因的影响和其风险评估Qiushuo Zhang (Hebei university, China)Qiushuo Zhang1, 3, Hongjie Wang1, 2, 3, Hang Li1, 3, Yutong Wu1, 3, ZiXue Liu1, 3, Yali Wang1, 2, 3, *1.School of Eco-Environment, Hebei university, China 2.School of life science, Hebei university, China3.Institute of Xiong’an New Area, Hebei university, China9:40-9:55Discussion会商Coffee Break 9:55-10:0510:05-10:30Microplastics in Dewatered Sewage Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Japan日本污水处置厂脱水污泥中的微塑料Sai Liu (Kyoto University, Japan)Sai Liu1, Kazuyuki Oshita1, Masaki Takaoka11. Kyoto University, Japan10:05-12:00 10:30-10:55Microplastics in Anaerobic Digestion of Sludge厌氧消化污泥中的微塑料F. Dilek Sanin (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)İrem Şimşek1, M. Dilara Hatinoğlu1, F. Dilek Sanin11 Middle East Technical University, TurkeyParallelSessions10:55-11:20Solid-Liquid Distribution of Ciprofloxacin during Sludge Dewatering after Fe(II) ActivatedPeroxymonosulfate Treatment: Focusing on the Role of Dissolved Organic ComponentsFe(II)活化过硫酸盐处置污泥脱水进程中环丙沙星的固液散布:存眷消融无机成份的感化Keke Xiao (Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, China)11:20-11:45Sewage Sludge – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Ten Years of Research on Making Only Good Sewage Sludge污水污泥的好处、害处和挑战:十年努力在研究污水污泥的好处Patryk Oleszczuk (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland)Monika Raczkiewicz1, Anna Siatecka2, Aleksandra Bogusz3, Magdalena Stefaniuk4, Patryk Oleszczuk1,*1. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland 2. University of Life Sciences, Poland 3. National Research Institute, Poland4. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland11:45-12:10污泥热化学处置资本化进程中重金属固化与不变化研究Hongwei Liu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)Hongwei Liu, Guoren Xu,Zhao ZhangUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China12:10-12:25Discussion会商Buffet Lunch 12:30-13:30ROOM GuoHua 2024.05.196Conference ProgrammeSESSION 3Sludge treatment to enhance recycling and resource recovery in a circular economy(Resource Recovery)14:00-14:25Enhanced Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Sludge through Sequential Acid-Base Extraction and Pyrolysis挨次酸碱提取与热解协同强化污水污泥磷收受接管Teik-Thye Lim (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)Satya Brat Tiwari1,2, Sze Yuet Chin3, Andrei Veksha2, Wei Ping Chan2, Teik-Thye Lim1,2,*1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2. Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute, 3. Centre of HighField NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore14:25-14:50Organic and Inorganic Separation of Sludge and Precise Resource Utilization Technology污泥中无机无机物分手与精准资本化操纵手艺Wang Xueke (Tsinghua University, China)WANG Xueke1,2, MU Tong2,ZHENG Xiaoxuan2,ZHANG Chunmiao21.Tsinghua University, China 2.Tianjin Raising Environmental Protection Engineering Co. Ltd., China14:00-16:05 14:50-15:15In-situ Iron Re-utilization for Enhanced Resource Recovery from Iron-rich Sludge原位铁再操纵以加强富铁污泥的资本收受接管Ruo-hong Li (Sun Yat-sen University, China)Lianpeng Sun1, Ruo-hong Li1*1. Sun Yat-sen University, ChinaParallelSessions 15:15-15:40Probiotics for Improving Settleability, Reducing Biosolids Production and Making Class A Residuals经由过程益生菌改良沉降性削减生物固体产量并制取A级生物固体Rob Whiteman (ABS Inc., USA)15:40-15:55Discussion会商Coffee Break 15:55-16:0516:05-16:30The Advantages of Refinery Excess Sludge Carbon as Peracetic Acid Activator: the Role of FunctionalGroups and Persistent Free Radicals炼油污泥炭作为过乙酸活化剂的劣势:官能团和持久自在基的感化Cao Yue (China University of Petroleum-Beijing,China)Cao Yue1, Li Jinglin, Hu Yuntao, Du Mengqi, Li Zhuoyu*,Wang Qinghong, Chen Chunmao,1. China University of Petroleum-Beijing16:05-18:00 16:30-16:55Taxonomic Characterization of Primary Sludge Bacteria Grown on "Selective" Media for Salmonella Spp.在沙门氏菌 "选择性 "培育基上培育的低级污泥细菌的分类特点Adalberto Noyola (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México)Nathaly M. Alderete-Ludeña1, 2, Yovany Cuetero-Martínez1, Aarón-Flores Ramírez1, Adalberto Noyola1*1. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México. 2. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, PerúParallelSessions 16:55-17:20Aerobic Composting Treatment of Refinery Waste Activated Sludge: Feasibility, Humification, PetroleumRemoval Efficiency And Mechanism炼油废活性污泥的好氧堆肥处置:可行性、腐殖化、石油去除效力和机理Xinge Fu (China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China)Xinge Fu1, Hui Zuo1, Qinghong Wang1*, Chunmao Chen11. China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China17:20-17:45Research Progress in Conversion Mechanism and Resourcing Processes for Aqueous Products from Sludgeby Hydrothermal Carbonization水热碳化法污泥水相产品转化机理和资本化工艺的研究进展Wei Meng (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)Wei Meng1, Lei Zheng1, Zifu Li11.University of Science and Technology Beijing, China17:45-18:10In-situ catalytic pyrolysis of sewage sludge by calcinated red mud to upgrade pyrolytic volatiles,producemagnetic sludge-based biochar and Reduce Carbon Emission烧结赤泥原位催化污泥热解同步实现气态产品优化、磁性生物炭制备与碳减排Zhao Zhang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Zhao Zhang1, Guoren Xu1, Hongwei Liu1, Qiuju Wang11. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China18:10-18:25Discussion会商Dinner18:30-20:007ROOM GuoHua 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeSESSION 2 Innovative technologies for carbon reduction & sequestration in sludge treatment8:00-8:25A new strategy for greenhouse gas emission reduction in A/A/O treatment process: The positive role ofexogenous N-acyl-homoserine lactones, a quorum-sensing signaling moleculesA/A/O工艺中温室气体减排新策略:外源性N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯的积极感化,一种群体感应旌旗灯号份子Wenjiao Sang(Wuhan University of Technology, China)Wenjiao Sang1,*, Zhenxue Ge1, Qian Zhang1, Fangmao Gan2, Nianhong Wan3, Lei Zou31. Wuhan University of Technology, China 2. Yangtze Ecology and Environment Company, China 3. Central & SouthernChina Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Company, Limited, China8:00-10:058:25-8:50GHGs Emissions from an Anaerobic Sludge Digestion Wastewater Treatment Plant污水处置厂厌氧污泥消化的温室气体排放量Ezio Ranieri(Universita’ degli Studi di Bari, Italy)Ezio Ranieri1a°, Gianfranco D’Onghia1a°°, Francesca Ranieri2, Luigi Lopopolo1, Sarah Gregorio1, Ada Cristina Ranieri3,41 Universita’ degli Studi di Bari, Italy 2 Universita’ degli Studi di Foggia 3 Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento Interateneo diFisica, Italy 4 Universita’ Internazionale Telematica Uninettuno, ItalyParallelSessions8:50-9:15Innovative Technologies for Carbon Reduction and Sequestration in Sludge Treatment: A Path to Environmental Sustainability污泥处置中的碳减排和碳封存立异手艺:情况可延续性之路Heinz Peter Mang (University of Science and Technology Beijing,China)Heinz Peter Mang1&2, Zifu Li1, Zubin Shrestha2, Elisabeth M. Huba31. University of Science and Technology Beijing, China 2. UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH, Germany 3.GERBIO German Biogas and Bioenergy Society, Germany9:15-9:40The carbon footprint of producing biogas and biomethane from municipal sludge digestion城市污泥厌氧消化生物自然气和生物甲烷的碳萍踪William P. F. Barber (Cambi, USA)9:40-9:55Discussion会商Coffee Break 9:55-10:0510:05-10:30Detection of Filamentous Bacteria in Activated Sludge: A Deep Learning-based Quantitative Image Analysis Approach Using U-Net Semantic Segmentation Method活性污泥中丝状细菌的检测:利用U-Net语义朋分方式的基在深度进修的定量图象阐发方式Yuki Nakaya (Hokkaido University, Japan)Uthpala Kaushalya1, Yuki Nakaya1*, Shota Ishizaki1, Kai Sugino1, Reiko Hirano2, Hisashi Satoh11. Hokkaido University, Japan 2. Cellspect Co., Ltd., Japan10:05-12:00 10:30-10:55Minimizing Sludge Generation in Hybrid-biofilm and Membrane Bioreactors: from MIDEPURO toS4WAT Project夹杂生物膜和膜生物反映器污泥减量化:从MIDEPURO到S4WAT项目Francesco Di Capua (University of Basilicata, Italy)Francesco Di Capua1,*, Raffaele Morello2, Cigdem Kalkan Aktan3, Erkan Sahinkaya41.University of Basilicata, Italy 2.University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy 3.Marmara University, Turkey4.Istanbul Medeniyet University, TurkeyParallelSessions10:55-11:20Production of Medium Chain Fatty Acids by Microbial Electrosynthesis from Waste Activated Sludge微生物电化学合成法从活性污泥中出产中链脂肪酸He Liu(Jiangnan University, China)11:20-11:35Discussion会商Buffet Lunch 12:00-13:308ROOM GuoCui 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeSESSION 6 Innovative practice and management of green & low-carbon sludge treatment14:00-14:25Enlarge Application Ratio of Sewage Sludge and its Product in Non-Agricultural land — Our Four YearsExploration in Beijing of China扩年夜污水污泥和其产物的地盘操纵—我们在中国北京的四年摸索Fenfen Zhu (Renmin University of China, China)Fenfen Zhu1, Bing Zhao1, Qian Chen1, Yuhui Zhang1, Jiawei Wang2, Xingmin Fu2, Huan Wang11.Renmin University of China, Beijing, China 2.Beijing Drainage Group, Beijing, China14:00-16:05 14:25-14:50Sludge treatment to enhance recycling and resource recovery in a circular economy Malaysia马来西亚污泥处置增进再生操纵与资本收受接管的轮回经济Datin Ts. Suhaily Saleh (Ministry of Energy Transition and Public Utilities, Malaysia)ParallelSessions 14:50-15:15Biosolids Management and Regulatory Changes in North America: What is next?北美生物固体治理和监管转变:下一步是甚么?Yasemin Beckers (University of Waterloo, Canada)15:15-15:40Development of a Standard Procedure for the Assessment of Sludge/Biosolids and Organic Products Stability评估污泥/生物固体和无机产物不变性的尺度法式Livia Molinari (UNI/GL5 Expert, Valli S.p.A, Lonato del Garda (BS), Italy)Livia Molinari1, Andrea N. Rossi2,Ludovico Spinosa31. UNI/GL5 Expert, Valli S.p.A, Lonato del Garda (BS), Italy 2. UNI/GL5 Expert, Progress S.r.l., Milano, Italy 3. UNI/GL5Coordinator, Env. Cons. at ETS S.r.l., Bari, Italy15:40-15:55Discussion会商15:55-16:0516:05-16:30Hyperthermophilic Composting(HTC) and recycling of municipal sludge超高温堆肥(HTC)处置城市污泥和轮回操纵Tong Zhu (Northeastern University, China)Tong Zhu1, Youzhao Wang1, Feng Ma1, Chaoyue Zhao1, Xu Li1, Yanping Zhang1, Zhipeng Wang1, Xiaoyan Dang1,Shumin He11. Northeastern University, Shenyang, China16:05-18:00 16:30-16:55Challenges and Prospects of Faecal Sludge Management in Cameroonian Cities: A Case Study of Yaoundé喀麦隆城市粪便污泥治理的挑战与前景:雅温得案例研究Jean-Roland MOUNKAPEGNA (Wastewater Research Unit, Yaoundé, Center Region, Cameroun)Jean-Roland MOUNKAPEGNA1, Raymond SEZAWO2, Stanislas MVONDO31. Wastewater Research Unit, Yaoundé, Center Region, Cameroun 2. Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant, Yaoundé Etoa, CenterRegion, Cameroon 3. Yaoundé City Council, Yaoundé, Center Region, CameroonParallelSessions 16:55-17:20Effects of Poor Solid Waste Management on Faecal Sludge Emptying, Treatment and Disposal Services inLusaka固体废料治理不善对卢萨卡粪便污泥倾倒、处置和措置办事的影响Mwila A Kapembwa (BORDA and University of Zambia, Zambia)Aubrey Simwambi1, Mwila A Kapembwa2, Kapanda Kapanda31.BORDA and University of Zambia, Zambia 2.BORDA, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia 3.Lusaka Sanitation Project and Universityof Zambia, Zambia17:20-17:45Deep Row Entrenchment of Faecal Sludge in Areas with No Treatment Facilities在没有处置举措措施的地域深层掩埋粪便污泥Lynette Owomuhangi (Water For People, Kampala, Uganda)Lynette Owomuhangi1, Martin Nyanzi Mawejje217:45-18:00Discussion会商Dinner18:30-20:009ROOM GuoCui 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeSESSION 3. Sludge treatment to enhance recycling and resource recovery in a circular economy (Energy Recovery)8:00-8:25A novel approach for the fractionation in ADM1 and model modification and validation based on themethanogenic potential在ADM1中进行分馏的新方式和基在产甲烷潜能值的模子点窜和验证Wenjie Guo(Tongji University, China)Wenjie Guo1, Dunjie Li1, Zhipeng Zhang1, Rongrong Mo1, Yongmei Li1,2,*1.Tongji University, China 2.Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security, China8:00-10:058:25-8:50Insights of microbial community shifts in mono- and co-digestion of sewage sludge and food waste污水污泥和厨余单一消化和协同消化进程中微生物群落转变的启迪Nirakar Pradhan (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China)Lijun Luo*, Nirakar Pradhan**Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China.ParallelSessions8:50-9:15Phosphorus release and transformation in anaerobic digestion of thermal hydrolysis pretreatment sludge– masking effects from high ammonium热水解预处置污泥厌氧消化进程中磷的释放和转化--高氨的遮掩效应Yun Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)Yun Chen1, 2, Yan Zhou1*1. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2. Nanjing Normal University, China9:15-9:40Centralized anaerobic digestion of municipal sewage sludge: technology advances and sustainable strategies for circular economy城市污水污泥集中厌氧消化:轮回经济的手艺前进和可延续计谋Francesco Di Capua (University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy)Francesco Di Capua1, Andrea Giordano21.University of Basilicata, Italy 2. Acqua & Sole s.r.l., Vellezzo Bellini, Italy9:40-9:55Discussion会商Coffee Break 9:55-10:0510:05-10:30Effects of Methane Yields on SBR sludge using Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment热水解预处置对SBR污泥甲烷产量的影响Ashish K Sahu (Cambi Group AS, Norway)Gowtham Balasundaram1, Pallavi Gahlot1, Vinay Kumar Tyagi2, Absar A Kazmi1, Harald Kleiven3, Ashish K Sahu31.Indian Institute of Technology, India 2.National Institute of Hydrology, India 3.Cambi Group AS, Asker, Norway10:05-12:00 10:30-10:55Advanced Anaerobic Digestion at Tarnow, Poland achieves Effective Biosolids Management, Asset Optimisation and Circular Economy在波兰塔尔诺进行的高级厌氧消化实现有用的生物固体治理、资产优化和轮回经济Ashish K Sahu (Cambi Group AS, Viken and Norway)Jakub Mukawa1, Jacek Kosciukiewicz2, Agnieszka Niedzielska2, Ashish K Sahu21. Tarnowskie Wodociągi Sp. z o. o., Tarnow, Poland 2. Cambi Group AS, Asker, Viken and NorwayParallelSessions10:55-11:20Anaerobic digestion as a potential approach for the conversion of aqueous pyrolytic liquor into biogas厌氧消化作为将水相热解液转化为沼气的潜伏路子Rui Zhang (Kyoto University, Japan)Rui Zhang1, Kazuyuki Oshita1*, Masaki Takaoka11. Kyoto University, Japan11:20-11:45Performance and metagenomics analysis of CaO promoting methane production from sludge anaerobicfermentation经由过程CaO增进污泥厌氧发酵产甲烷的机能和宏基因组阐发Hang Li (Hebei university, China)Hang Li1, 3, Hongjie Wang1, 2, 3, Qiushuo Zhang1, 3, ZiXue Liu1, 3, Yutong Wu1, 3, Yali Wang1, 2, 3, *1.Hebei Key Laboratory of close-to-Nature restoration technology of wetlands, School of Eco-Environment, Hebei university, China 2.School of life science, Hebei university, China 3.Institute of Xiong’an New Area, Hebei university, China11:45-12:00Discussion会商Buffet Lunch 12:00-13:3010ROOM GuoChang 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeSESSION 3. Sludge treatment to enhance recycling and resource recovery in a circular economy (Energy Recovery)14:00-14:25Assembly of Low-dose Nonionic Surfactant Hydrophobic Functional Groups with Extracellular PolymericSubstances: Enhancing Surface Free Energy of Sludge Particles and the Response of MethanogenicBacterial Enzyme Activity to Improve Biomass Energy Recovery Efficiency拆卸低剂量非离子型界面活性剂疏水性官能团与胞外聚合物:提高污泥颗粒的概况自在能,改良甲烷生成菌酶活性,提高生物资能量收受接管效力Qi Song (Tongji University, China)Qi Song, Yu Hua*, Xiaoguang Liu, Shuxian Chen, Xiaohu Dai*Tongji University, China14:00-16:05 14:25-14:50Challenging the Retention Time of Municipal Anaerobic Digestion by Using Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment热水解预处置缩短城市污泥厌氧消化的保存时候William P. F. Barber (Cambi, Inc., USA)William P. F. Barber1*, Matthew Higgins21.Cambi, Inc., USA 2. Bucknell University, USAParallelSessions 14:50-15:15Study on the mechanism of hydrogen production and recovery of vivianite in iron-carbon double anodeelectrofermentation system by intermittent power supply间歇供电前提下电化学发酵双阳极铁碳系统中产氢机制和磷灰石资本化研究Zhengtong Guo (Taiyuan University of Technology, China)Zhengtong Guo1, Zhihong Liu1*, Aijuan Zhou1, Xiuping Yue1,*1. Taiyuan University of Technology, China15:15-15:40Lactic acid-based hydrogen production from food waste: A study on metabolic and taxonomic profile以乳酸为根本从食品垃圾中制氢:新陈代谢和分类研究Lijun Luo (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China)Lijun Luo1*, Nirakar Pradhan1. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China15:40-15:55Discussion会商15:55-16:0516:05-16:30Fe3O4@MOF-808 for Enhanced Carbon and Phosphorus Recovery from Sludge Anaerobic FermentationFe3O4@MOF-808用在提高污泥厌氧发酵的碳和磷收受接管率Hongtao Zhu (Beijing Forestry University, China)Long Chen, X����APPiangyue Zhang, Jianming Zhu, Helin Fan, Zimu Qin, Jun Li, Hongtao Zhu*Beijing Forestry University, China16:05-18:00 16:30-16:55Tailored value-added carboxylic acids conversion from waste activated sludge fermentation triggered bysulfate reduction-mediated syntrophic consortia由硫酸盐还原介导的合成养分群激发的废料活性污泥发酵中羧酸的定制增值转化Aijuan Zhou (Taiyuan University of Technology, China)Aijuan Zhou1,2,*, Yaxin Fan1, Hongyan Liu1, Xiuping Yue1,31. Taiyuan University of Technology, China 2. Shanxi Shanan Lide Environmental Science & Technology Co., LTD, China3. Shanxi-Zheda Institute of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering, ChinaParallelSessions16:55-17:20Sludge electrooxidation as a pretreatment for anaerobic digestion: synergistic effect of combined treatmenton microbial inactivation污泥电氧化作为厌氧消化的预处置:结合处置对微生物灭活的协同效应Jose A. Barrios (Instituto de Ingeniería UNAM, México)Jose A. Barrios*, Catalina Maya, Mónica Pérez, Angélica Román & Blanca JiménezInstituto de Ingeniería UNAM, México17:20-17:45Effects of salinity on anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge: focusing on biogas production and microbialcommunity盐度对市政污泥厌氧消化的影响:聚焦在沼气产量和微生物群落Xiaokang Feng (Qingdao University of Technology, China)Xiaokang Feng1, Yuemei Yan1, Wei Zhang2, Lu Jing1, Zhixuan Yin1,*, Changqing Liu11.Qingdao University of Technology, China 2.Tuandao Wastewater Treatment Plant, China17:45-18:10Start-Up of thermophilic anaerobic digestion of THP sludge driven by iron-containing sludge-based biochar含铁污泥生物炭驱动的THP污泥嗜热厌氧消化的启动Zong Li (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)Hui Xu1, Zong Li2, Yan Zhou2,*1 Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute 2 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore18:10-18:25Discussion会商Dinner18:30-20:0011ROOM GuoChang 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeSESSION 4. Innovative approaches to reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions (Sludge Conditioning & Dewatering)8:00-8:25Fluorescence Spectral Fingerprints: A New Approach to Characterizing the Intermolecular Interactionsof Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) in Activated Sludge荧光光谱指纹:表征活性污泥中细胞外聚合物物资(EPS)份子间彼此感化的新方式Jinlan Yu(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Jinlan Yu1,2, Kang Xiao1,*, Yirong Xu1, Aiqian Zhang1, Xianghua Wen21.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2.Tsinghua University, China8:00-10:058:25-8:50Crystallization-driven Evolution of Water Occurrence States with Implications on DewaterabilityImprovement of Waste-activated Sludge结晶驱动的水形态演化对改良废活性污泥脱水机能的影响Boran Wu (Tongji University, China)ParallelSessions8:50-9:15Biochar Skeleton Assisted Sludge Conditioning and Dewatering生物炭骨架辅助污泥调度和脱水Zheng Ge (Beijing University of Technology, China)Zheng Ge*, Yixin Zhang, Jia Deng, Yixin YuUniversity of Technology, China9:15-9:40Effect of Inorganic Coagulant Addition in Sewage Sludge Dewatering with Organic Polymer Flocculants无机高份子絮凝剂在污水污泥脱水进程中添加无机混凝剂的影响Kazuyuki Oshita (Kyoto University, Japan )Kazuyuki Oshita1*, Takuto Miura2and Masaki Takaoka11. Kyoto University, Japan 2. Pacific Consultants Co., LTD, Tokyo, Japan9:40-9:55Discussion会商Coffee Break 9:55-10:0510:05-12:00 10:05-10:30The Application of Chitosan Hydroxypropyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride to Substitute PolymericAluminum Ferric Chloride for Sewage Sludge Deep Dewatering利用壳聚糖羟丙基三甲基氯化铵替换聚合氯化铝铁进行污水污泥深度脱水Minmin Liu (Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Minmin Liu1, Sajid Rashid1, Wei Wang2, Huihui Zhang2, Yawei Zhao2, Xingmin Fu2, Wenzheng Yu1*1.Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2. Beijing Drainage Group Co.,Ltd., ChinaParallelSessions10:30-10:55Exploring the Influencing Factors of Sludge Dewaterability from the Perspective of Interfacial Energy从界面能角度切磋污泥脱水机能的影响身分Kang Xiao (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Yirong Xu1, Kang Xiao1*, Jinlan Yu1, Guoren Xu11. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China10:55-11:10Discussion会商Buffet Lunch 12:00-13:3012ROOM GuoSheng 2024.05.19Conference ProgrammeSESSION 4. Innovative approaches to reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions (Sludge Drying & Thermal Treatment)14:00-14:25Study on Drying Process of Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) Sludge饮用水处置厂(DWTP)污泥干燥工艺研究Xiaomeng Han (Donghua University, China)Xiaomeng Han*, Shihu ShuCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, China14:00-16:05 14:25-14:50Assessment of an Anaerobic Sludge Drying and Thermal Sanitization System for Small and MediumSTPs at Pilot Scale中小型污水处置厂厌氧污泥干化和热消毒系统的中试评估Adalberto Noyola (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico)Julio C. Rietow1*, Marcos C. Barros Filho1, Gustavo R. C. Possetti2, Adalberto Noyola3, Luiz Wagner2, Miguel M. Aisse1.1. Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Brazil 2. Parana Sanitation Company (SANEPAR), Brazil 3. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), MexicoParallelSessions14:50-15:15Non-sintered Ceramsite Prepared by Using Water Supply Plant Sludge Combined with Reclaimed Diatomite and Application in Phosphorus Removal操纵自来水厂污泥和再生硅藻土制备的非烧结铈镧石和其在除磷中的利用Fang Feng (Suzhou University of Science and Technology, China)Fang Feng*, Ziqian Shi, Fei Wang, Dongtian WangSuzhou University of Science and Technology, China15:15-15:40Global potential impacts of biochar on crop yields and soil quality: a meta-analysis生物炭对作物产量和泥土质量的全球潜伏影响:荟萃阐发Zhichao Xu(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Zhichao Xu, Run Zhou, Zhao Zhang, Hongwei Liu, Qiuju Wang, Guoren Xu*University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China15:40-15:55Discussion会商Coffee Break 15:55-16:0516:05-16:30Investigation of Inherent Minerals Effects on Sewage Sludge Smoldering Combustion固有矿物资对污水污泥阴燃的影响Wei Zhang (Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Wei Zhang1,2, Qianshi Song1,*, Xiaohan Wang1,2,*, Xiaowei Wang3, Boyi Qian1,2, Kangwei Xu1,21. Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2. University of Science and Technology of China, China 3. Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China16:05-18:00 16:30-16:55Combining Advanced Anaerobic Digestion with Incineration to achieve Sustainable Sludge Management连系高级厌氧消化与燃烧以实现可延续的污泥治理Julien Chauzy (Cambi Group AS, Norway)Julien Chauzy1 *, Zuliang Liao1, Di Deng2, Maggie Zhang21. Cambi Group AS, Asker, Norway 2. Cambi Environment Technology Ltd, Beijing, ChinaParallelSessions16:55-17:25Sludge Co-incineration Technology in Coal-fired Power Plants and Standards Development发电与污泥协同手艺近况和尺度规范进展Ranfang Zuo(CHN Energy Investment Group,China)17:25-17:40Discussion会商Dinner18:30-20:0013ROOM GuoSheng 2024.05.19Conference Programme14Poster Session and ReceptionThis is a opportunity of viewing the posters and meeting the poster presenters. The presenters will be onhand to present their posters and answer any of your questions.Poster Session 2024-05-19 11:30-12:00Session 1P-1Response surface optimization study of removal efficiency and adsorption conditions of Pb(II) from sewagesludge by iron-phosphorus composite magnetic biocharXu Li1, Jinlong Wang2, Xiaoxin Wang3, Jian Wang3, Rui Du3, Qiang Liu2, Yang Lin2, Tao Song2, Tianshi Zhang2, YuZhang2, Yanping Zhang1, Xiaoyan Dang1, Chaoyue Zhao1, Shumin He1, Feng Ma1, Tengfei Li4, Zhipeng Wang1, YouzhaoWang1, Tong Zhu1*1. Northeastern University, China 2. Shenyang Zhenxing Sludge Disposal Co., Ltd., China 3. Baotou Renewable Water Resources and Wastewater Treatment Co., Ltd., China 4.Shenyang Dongyuan Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., ChinaSession 2P-2Evaluation of Carbon Emissions from Anaerobic Digestion of Thermally Hydrolyzed Sludge and FoodWasteRen Zhengran1, Gao Jinhua1, Wang Jiawei1*, Liu Kun2, Wen Yang1, Zhang Han11. Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd., China; 2. Beijing Drainage Technology Co. Ltd., China.Session 2P-3Composting Characteristics and Carbon Emission Analysis of Municipal Sludge Treated by Hyperthermophilic CompostingFeng Ma1, Qiang Liu2, Jinlong Wang2, Xiaoxin Wang3, Rui Du3, Yang Lin2, Tianshi Zhang2, Tao Song2, Yu Zhang2,Youzhao Wang1, Tong Zhu1,*1.Northeastern University, China 2. Shenyang Zhenxing Sludge Disposal Co., Ltd., China 3. Baotou Renewable Water Resources and Wastewater Treatment Co., Ltd., ChinaSession 2P-4Hyperthermophilic composting technology for municipal sludge treatment in winter in northeast ChinaYanping Zhang1, Xiaoxin Wang3, Jinlong Wang2, Rui Du3, Jian Wang3, Yang Lin2, Tao Song2, Tianshi Zhang2, Yu Zhang2,Tengfei Li4, Xu Li1, Feng Ma1, Zhipeng Wang1, Xiaoyan Dang1, Chaoyue Zhao1, Shumin He1, Youzhao Wang1*, TongZhu1,4,*1. Northeastern University, China 2. Shenyang Zhenxing Sludge Disposal Co., Ltd., China 3. Baotou Renewable Water Resources and Wastewater Treatment Co., Ltd., China 4.Shenyang Dongyuan Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., ChinaSession 2P-5Study on the enhanced carbon capture capabilities of polymerized aluminum chloride coupled with biosorbent sludgeSibo Fu1, Dong Li1*, Xiaohang Zhang1, Yanjun Zhu1, Sen Yang1, Jie Zhang1,21.Beijing University of Technology, China 2.Harbin Institute of Technology, ChinaSession 2P-6Characterizing Activated Sludge Based on AI-assisted analysis on Moving and Still ImagesYuki Nakaya1*, Kai Sugino1, Shota Ishizaki1, Reiko Hirano2, Hisashi Satoh11.Hokkaido University, Japan 2.Cellspect Co., Ltd., JapanSession 3P-7Improving the stability and efficiency of high-solids anaerobic digestion of dewatered sludge by adding ricestraw to maintain a constant C/N ratio of 10: Reactor performance and Microbial mechanismZhi Lin1, Zhao-Yong Sun1,*, Zong-Lin Wu1, Min Gou1,*, Zi-Yuan Xia1, Yue-Qin Tang11.Sichuan University, ChinaSession 3P-8Optimizing Renewable Energy Generation: Integrating Mass and Energy Balances from Pulp and PaperIndustry Wasted SludgePatcharin Racho, Boonsita Nammama, Netnapid Tantemsapya and Boonchai WichitsathianSuranaree University of Technology, ThailandSession 3P-9TERTIARY TREATMENT OF EFFLUENT OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE BY RECYCLING OF ALUMSLUDGE FROM THE WATER TREATMENT PLANTIARA REGINA SOARES CHAOSession 3P-10Enzyme-enhanced Acidogenic Fermentation of Waste Activated Sludge: Insights from Sludge Structure,Interfaces, and Functional MicrofloraGe Song1, 2, 3, Shunan Zhao2, Ruiping Liu2,*1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2.Tsinghua University, China3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaSession 3P-11Optimizing the process parameters of hyperthermal aerobic fermentation by orthogonal experiment to improve the resourceization of fermentation productsChaoyue Zhao1, Xiaoxin Wang3, Qiang Liu2, Jinlong Wang2, Rui Du3, Yang Lin2, Tao Song2, Tianshi Zhang2, Yu Zhang2,Feng Ma1, Tengfei Li4, Youzhao Wang1, Tong Zhu1,4*1.Northeastern University, China 2. Shenyang Zhenxing Sludge Disposal Co., Ltd., China 3. Baotou Renewable WaterResources and Wastewater Treatment Co., Ltd., China 4. Shenyang Dongyuan Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., ChinaSession 3P-12An integrated strategy for simultaneous methane production and nitrogen removal: sludge fermentationdriven by nitrite reductionXiaodi Li1, Yuqing Ma, Tan Jiang, Bo Wang*1.Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, ChinaConference Programme15Poster Session and ReceptionThis is a opportunity of viewing the posters and meeting the poster presenters. The presenters will be onhand to present their posters and answer any of your questions.Poster Session 2024-05-19 11:30-12:00Session 3P-13Methane production from waste activated sludge by sodium percarbonate pretreatment: Performance andmetagenomic analysisDong Li, Tao Huang, Boran Wu, Xiaoli Chai*Tongji University, ChinaSession 3P-14Comparative life cycle assessment of landfill sludge treatment technologies in ChinaShiqi Liu1, Hanqiao Liu1,2, Guoxia Wei3, Yuwen Zhu2*, Hailong Zhao4, Huizhen Shi21. School of Environment and Municipal Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, China 2. School of Energy and SafetyEngineering, Tianjin Chengjian University,China 3. School of Science, Tianjin Chengjian University, China 4. TsinghuaUniversity, ChinaSession 3P-15Performance Evaluation of Thermophilic Wet Anaerobic Digestion for Food Waste TreatmentChirawit Leelayouthayotin1, Chettiyappan Visvanathan2, Nirakar Pradhan31.Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong 2.Mahidol University, Thailand 3. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong KongSession 4P-16Influence of Low Temperatures and Short Thermal Pretreatment Times on Anaerobic Sludge DewateringMarcos C Barros Filho1Júlio C Rietow1, Gustavo R Possetti2, Adalberto Noyola3, Miguel M Aisse11. Parana Federal University, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil 2. Parana Sanitation Company, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil 3. NationalAutonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, MexicoSession 4P-17Effects of magnetic Fe–Al layered double hydroxide on the persulfate oxidation conditioning of sewage sludgeBenyi XiaoResearch Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaSession 4P-18Case study: an energy efficient way to combine drying and incineration for disposal of sewage sludgePing ShiSuez Environmental Technology, Beijing ChinaSession 4P-19Characteristics of advanced anaerobic digestion sludge-based biochar and its application for sewage sludgeconditioningQian Chen, Xingmin Fu, Jiawei Wang*, Yawei Zhao, Wei WangEngineering Technology Research Center for Municipal Wastewater Reclamation, R&D Center, Beijing Drainage Group Co.,Ltd., ChinaSession 4P-20Effects of different Hydroxyaluminum Speciations on sludge dewateringYanjun Zhu1, Dong Li1, Sibo Fu1, Jie Zhang1,21. Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China 2. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, ChinaSession 4P-21Effect of C/N on denitrification and N2O release under glucose as the carbon sourceXiaohang Zhang1, Dong Li1*,Sibo Fu1, Jie Zhang1,21.Beijing University of Technology, China 2.Harbin Institute of Technology, ChinaSession 4P-22Characterizing the interfacial energy of sludge via an improved contact angle methodYirong Xu1, Kang Xiao1*, Jinlan Yu1, Guoren Xu11. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaSession 5P-23Ultra-lightweight aggregates from industrial sludge-marine clay mix in the presence of carbonate additiveYing-Ju Chang1, Chao-Yu Chien1, Duu-Jong Lee1,2*1.National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei 2.City University of Hong Kong, Hong KongSession 6P-24Cagne-Sur-Mer WWTP case study – a show case of Veolia’s sustainable sludge solutionManli Gong, Xiaohua Chen*Veolia Water Technologies (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Beijing, ChinaSession 6P-25A mini-Review of China’s Sewage Sludge Managements in Recent YearsXiaohua ZhanParty School of Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, ChinaSession 6P-26Experimental study on the use of coal ash as a substitute for lime in deep dewatering of sludgeZixin Pan1, Xuemin Ma2, Yunfeng Qi2, Li Ding2, Wei Meng1, Yonas Lamore1, Shikun Cheng1, Zifu Li1*1.University of Science and Technology Beijing, China 2. China Nuclear Fushun Environmental Protection TechnologyCo.,Ltd, ChinaTechnical TourTechnical Tour Information◇Technical Tour Time:8:00 ~ 12:00, 20thMay, 2024◇Technical Tour Site:Huaifang Underground Water Reclamation Plant, Beijing (HUWRP)*Wastewater Treatment capacity:600,000 m3/d(The largest fully underground wastewatertreatment plant in Asia)*Sludge Treatment Capacity:1220 t/d(Approx. 85% water content)*Wastewater Treatment Process: Wastewater → Pre-treatment → MBR → Ozone Oxidation →UV Disinfection → Landscape Wetlands*Sludge Treatment Process: Sludge → Thermal Hydrolysis → Anaerobic Digestion → Plateand-frame Dewatering → Gardening UtilizationDewatering Filtrate → Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation*Award: 2018 IWA Project Innovation Award - Gold Award◇Technical Tour Schedule:TimeLocationContentBefore 8:00Hall of Beijing China-Germany InternationalConference Convention & Exhibition CenterGather for the shuttle bus8:00 - 9:30Shuttle busWay to HUWRP9:30 - 10:30Huaifang Underground Water Reclamation PlantTechnical Tour10:30 - 12:00Shuttle busBack to the hotel12:00 - 14:00Dinner HallLunch14:00Conference closedConference closed◇Please scan the QR code or open the url:https://forms.office.com/r/Vi2rVhCuX0to fill your information if you want to attend the technical tour, and it'll help usarrange the shuttle bus for you.Aerial view of the wastewater treatment plantUnderground wastewater treatment facilities and equipment16手艺参不雅手艺参不雅消息◇时候:8:00 ~ 12:00,2024年5月20日◇地址:北京排水团体槐房再生水厂(北京市丰台区)*污水处置范围:60万吨/天(日处置能力)*污泥处置范围:1220吨/天(日处置能力,含水率85%摆布)*污水处置工艺:污水→预处置→ MBR →臭氧氧化→ UV消毒→景不雅湿地*污泥处置工艺:污泥→预脱水→热水解→厌氧消化→板框深度脱水→园林绿化操纵脱水滤液→厌氧氨氧化*项目声誉嘉奖: 2018年国际水协(IWA)项目立异奖——金奖◇手艺参不雅日程:时候地址内容8:00前北京中德国际会议会展中间年夜厅调集期待班车8:00 - 9:30手艺参不雅班车去往再生水厂9:30 - 10:30北京排水团体槐房再生水厂手艺参不雅10:30 - 12:00手艺参不雅班车前往会议宾馆12:00 - 14:00北京中德国际会议会展中间餐厅自助午饭14:00国际会议竣事国际会议竣事◇请扫描右边二维码或打开该网址:https://forms.office.com/r/Vi2rVhCuX0报名加入手艺参不雅,填写您的小我联系消息,我们将按照报名消息放置班车。北京排水团体槐房再生水厂俯瞰图槐房再生水厂地下污水处置举措措施17Venue PlansFirst Floor Plan of Beijing China-Germany International Conference Convention & Exhibition CenterSecond Floor Plan of Beijing China-Germany International Conference Convention & Exhibition Center18Important InformationFor real time weather,please refer to the website :http://en.weather.com.cn/weather/101010100.shtml?index=4Weather Forecast by Weather China (2024.05.12)DateWedMay 15ThurMay 16FriMay 17SatMay 18SunMay 19MonMay 20TuesMay 21Low& Hi Temp57-78 °F60-78 °F66-87 °F68-91 °F57-73 °F57-73 °F64-84 °FWeatherSunnyCloudySunnyCloudyRainRainOvercastWindSW <12km/hSW16-24km/hS <12km/h E 16-24km/h NE <12km/h SW <12km/h S <12km/hEmergency ContactContact PersonMobile NumberConference AffairsDr. Qiuju Wang+86 13946140039Personal affairsMr. Bang Zou+86 17673160516Locations in English and Chinese(Chinese for Taxi Driver)Locations in EnglishLocations in ChineseBeijing China-Germany International Conference Convention &Exhibition Center北京中德国际会议会展中间Imperial Palace/Forbidden City故宫Tian' anmen Square天安门广场Summer Palace颐和园Ming Tombs十三陵Temple of Heaven天坛Mutianyu Great Wall慕田峪长城The Drum Tower鼓楼ElectricityElectricity supply in China is 220 Volts, 50Hz.The connection for appliances will be supplied is a flat 3-pin plug of unique design.Locations in EnglishLocations in ChineseThe "Bird's Nest"鸟巢The Water Cube水立方The Old Summer Palace圆明园Shichahai Hutong什刹海胡同National Museum of China中国国度博物馆National Grand Theatre国度年夜剧院Beijing Confucian Temple孔庙Yonghe Lama Temple雍和宫19配有同声传译:国际年夜咖云集 --IWA国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议 议报名注册:https://iwa-sludge-2024.casconf.cn/userRegister【日程】国际水协第18届可延续污泥手艺与治理会议http://www.water8848.com/news/202311/14/148109.html 国际水协(International Water Association,IWA)是全球主要的水行业专业协会,成员包罗来自豪学、研究机构、项目和征询公司、公用事业单元的全球专家。IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management系各国际会议至今已举行17届,2024年在中国举行系列会议的第18届国际会议(2024.5.17-20 北京)。终究日程IWA Sludge Conference Programme Version 5.020240513.pdf


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