





​乐鱼,水务一体化背景下杭州市污泥处理处置规划研究 中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第40卷 期数: 2024年第10期 页码: 15-20 栏目: 出版日期:


焦点提醒:首 页期刊引见编委会投稿须知文章查询学术会议告白合作刊行定阅在线留言English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]张亚朋,吴荣波,冯一军,等.水务一体化布景下杭州市污泥处置措置计划研究[J].中国给水排水,2024,40(10):15-20. ZHANGYa-peng,WURong-bo,FENGYi-jun,et al.Study on Sludge Treatment and Disposal Planning under the Backgro中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)PDF下载[1]张亚朋,吴荣波,冯一军,等.水务一体化布景下杭州市污泥处置措置计划研究[J].中国给水排水,2024,40(10):15-20. ZHANGYa-peng,WURong-bo,FENGYi-jun,et al.Study on Sludge Treatment and Disposal Planning under the Background of Water Affairs Integration in Hangzhou[J].China Water & Wastewater,2024,40(10):15-20.点击复制水务一体化布景下杭州市污泥处置措置计划研究中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第40卷 期数: 2024年第10期 页码: 15-20 栏目: ����APP出书日期: 2024-05-17Title:Study on Sludge Treatment and Disposal Planning under the Background of Water Affairs Integration in Hangzhou作者:张亚朋, 吴荣波, 冯一军, 顾越, 陈舟凯(杭州市计划设想研究院,浙江 杭州 310012)Author(s):ZHANG Ya-peng, WU Rong-bo, FENG Yi-jun, GU Yue, CHEN Zhou-kai(Hangzhou City Planning and Design Academy, Hangzhou 310012, China)要害词:给水厂污泥; 污水厂污泥; 排水管渠污泥; 水务一体化Keywords:waterworks sludge; sewage sludge; sewer sludge; water affairs integration摘要:为深切推动水务一体化鼎新,杭州市系统展开了水资本、供排水、污泥处置措置、聪明水务等多个专题计划研究。此中,对污泥处置措置研究的范围,除保守的污水厂污泥外,还拓展到给水厂污泥和排水管渠污泥等。对杭州市水务行业几类首要污泥的处置措置体例、污泥产量猜测和处置措置举措措施结构等进行了研究,在处置措置体例上,强调各类污泥规范化措置和资本化操纵的要求;在举措措施结构上,提出了污泥处置举措措施与其他固废处置举措措施兼顾、各类污泥处置举措措施兼顾扶植的一体化扶植思绪。Abstract:In order to further promote the reform of water affairs integration, Hangzhou has systematically carried out a number of special planning studies on water resources, water supply and drainage, sludge treatment and disposal, and smart water. Among them, the research scope of sludge treatment and disposal did not only cover the traditional sewage sludge, but also extended to waterworks sludge and sewer sludge. This study covers the sludge treatment and disposal methods, sludge output prediction, and sludge treatment and disposal facilities in Hangzhou water industry. In terms of sludge treatment and disposal, the study emphasizes the requirement for standardized disposal and resource utilization of various types of sludge. In terms of facility layout, the integrated construction idea of sludge treatment facilities and other solid waste treatment facilities as a whole and all kinds of sludge treatment facilities as a whole was proposed.类似文献/References:[1]赵吉,颜鹏,秦庆东,等.基在响应面法的给水厂污泥固化配比优化[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(7):63. ZHAOJi,YANPeng,QINQing-dong,et al.Optimization of Sludge Solidification Ratio in Water Supply Plant Based on Response Surface Method[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):63.更新日期/Last Update: 2024-05-17

  • ​重金属污水处理工艺-行业新闻-污水处理设备,一体化污水处理设备,工业废水处理,佰仕德
