





​乐鱼,水热碳化技术用于污泥处理处置前景分析 摘要:由于土地利用受阻、填埋空间有限以及二次污染等问题,污泥处理处置主流技术路线在国内面临困境,所以亟需从科学方法角度分析其可行路径。根据污泥处置途径对含水


焦点提醒:首 页期刊引见编委会投稿须知文章查询学术会议告白合作刊行定阅在线留言English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]许劲,徐军,吕秋颖,等.水热碳化手艺用在污泥处置措置前景阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):54-59. XU Jin,XU Jun,LQiu-ying,et al.Perspectives on Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology for Municipal Sludge Treat中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事PDF下载[1]许劲,徐军,吕秋颖,等.水热碳化手艺用在污泥处置措置前景阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):54-59. XU Jin,XU Jun,LQiu-ying,et al.Perspectives on Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology for Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(16):54-59.点击复制水热碳化手艺用在污泥处置措置前景阐发中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第36卷 期数: 2020年第16期 页码: 54-59 栏目: 出书日期: 2020-08-17Title:Perspectives on Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology for Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal作者:许劲1,2,徐军1,2,吕秋颖1,2,范准1,2,唐琦1,2,李杨1,2,方俊华1,2(1.重庆年夜学情况与生态学院,重庆400045;2.重庆年夜学三峡库区生态情况教育部重点尝试室,重庆400045)Author(s):XU Jin1,2,XU Jun1,2,LQiu-ying1,2,FAN Zhun1,2,TANG Qi1,2,LI Yang1,2,FANG Jun-hua1,2(1. School of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China; 2. Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Ecological Environment<Ministry of Education>, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China)要害词:水热碳化; 污泥处置措置; 生物资转化手艺; 污泥基水热生物炭Keywords:hydrothermal carbonization; municipal sludge treatment and disposal; biomass conversion technology; sludge-based hydrothermal biochar摘要:因为地盘操纵受阻、填埋空间无限和二次污染等问题,污泥处置措置支流手艺线路在国内面对窘境,所以亟需从科学方式角度阐发其可行路径。按照污泥措置路子对含水率的要求,建议当污泥水份具有时先去除或转化无机物;同时从生物资转化手艺角度进行了可行性阐发,此中水热碳化手艺具有处置对象无需干燥、易与其他烧毁生物资和手艺组合、产品无菌、磷收受接管率高档劣势。污泥基水热生物炭有固-固转化和液相晶核转化两条构成路子,其热值与煤相当,脱水机能杰出、磷富集收受接管率高、可固定重金属,其碳骨架作为氮磷缓释载体可增添泥土肥力,并且与无机肥减量配施兼具农业经济价值和情况生态效益。污泥水热碳化处置可实现污泥减量化、不变化、无害化和资本化,保举污泥处置措置方案为重力浓缩/机器脱水+水热碳化,该工艺合用在原位与分离处置,同时建议采取低温(150~170 ℃)水热碳化以免高温下污泥产生美拉德反映生成消融性难降解无机物,其液体产品可作为有用碳源弥补到低碳源污水厂进水。Abstract:Due to hindered agriculture use and limited space for landfill as well as secondary pollution, the mainstream technology route of municipal sludge treatment and disposal is facing difficulties in China. So it is urgent to analyze its feasible path from scientific approaches. According to requirements of moisture content in sludge disposal process, it is suggested to remove or transform organic matter when sludge moisture exists. Meanwhile, the feasibility ����APPanalysis is carried out from the point of view of biomass conversion technology. Among them, hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) technology has the advantages of treating object without drying, easy to combine with other waste biomass and technology, sterile product and high recovery rate of phosphorus. Sludge-based hydrothermal biochar has two formation pathways, which are solid-solid and liquid phase nucleation transformations. It has the same calorific value as coal, good dehydration performance, high phosphorus enrichment recovery rate, and could fix heavy metals. Its carbon backbone could be used as a slow-release carrier of nitrogen and phosphorus so as to increase soil fertility. Moreover, the biochar with inorganic fertilizer reduction and application has both functions of agricultural economic value and environmental ecological benefits. Sludge HTC treatment could realize sludge reduction, stabilization, harmlessness and resource recovery. As a result, the process of gravity concentration/mechanical dehydration+HTC was taken as the recommended sludge treatment and disposal scheme, which was suitable for in situ and decentralized processing. In addition, low temperature (150-170 ℃) in HTC was suggested to prevent soluble refractory organics generating from Maillard reaction during high temperature, consequently, the liquid product could be used as an effective carbon source to supplement the low-carbon WWTP.类似文献/References:[1]郭恰.IPCC污泥碳排放核算模子中DOC取值的不足与批改[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):49. GUO Qia.Lack and Correction of DOC Value in IPCC Calculation Model of Sludge Carbon Emission[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(16):49.[2]李尔,曾祥英.武汉市主城区污水厂污泥处置措置近况和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(18):8. LI Er,ZENG Xiang-ying.Current Situation and Prospect of Sludge Treatment and Disposal of WWTPs in the Main Urban Area of Wuhan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(16):8.[3]宋晓雅.集中式污泥处置中间的扶植与思虑[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(20):22. SONG Xiao-ya.Construction and Thinking of Centralized Sludge Treatment Center[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(16):22.[4]李雪怡,梁远,方小锋,等.北京市污泥处置措置近况总结阐发[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(22):38. LI Xue-yi,LIANG Yuan,FANG Xiao-feng,et al.Summarization and Analysis of Sludge Treatment and Disposal in Beijing[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(16):38.[5]许谦,蒋才芳,何志健,等.南宁市污泥处置措置工艺阐发和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):31. XUQian,JIANGCai-fang,HEZhi-jian,et al.Analysis and Prospect of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process in Nanning City[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(16):31.更新日期/Last Update: 2020-08-17中国给水排水杂志社官方网所有材料均源在网上的同享资本和期刊同享,请特殊留意勿做其他不法用处 若有加害您的版权或其他有损您好处的行动,请联系指出,地方会当即进行更正或删除相关内容论文颁发投稿邮箱:cnwater@vip.163.comCopyRight (C)2016 中国给水排水杂志社官方网 版权所有 津ICP备20004590号

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]许劲,徐军,吕秋颖,等.水热碳化手艺用在污泥处置措置前景阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):54-59. XU Jin,XU Jun,LQiu-ying,et al.Perspectives on Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology for Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(16):54-59.点击复制

    Perspectives on Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology for Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal
    XU Jin1,2,XU Jun1,2,LQiu-ying1,2,FAN Zhun1,2,TANG Qi1,2,LI Yang1,2,FANG Jun-hua1,2
    (1. School of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China; 2. Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Ecological Environment<Ministry of Education>, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China)
    hydrothermal carbonization;municipal sludge treatment and disposal;biomass conversion technology;sludge-based hydrothermal biochar
    因为地盘操纵受阻、填埋空间无限和二次污染等问题,污泥处置措置支流手艺线路在国内面对窘境,所以亟需从科学方式角度阐发其可行路径。按照污泥措置路子对含水率的要求,建议当污泥水份具有时先去除或转化无机物;同时从生物资转化手艺角度进行了可行性阐发,此中水热碳化手艺具有处置对象无需干燥、易与其他烧毁生物资和手艺组合、产品无菌、磷收受接管率高档劣势。污泥基水热生物炭有固-固转化和液相晶核转化两条构成路子,其热值与煤相当,脱水机能杰出、磷富集收受接管率高、可固定重金属,其碳骨架作为氮磷缓释载体可增添泥土肥力,并且与无机肥减量配施兼具农业经济价值和情况生态效益。污泥水热碳化处置可实现污泥减量化、不变化、无害化和资本化,保举污泥处置措置方案为重力浓缩/机器脱水+水热碳化,该工艺合用在原位与分离处置,同时建议采取低温(150~170 ℃)水热碳化以免高温下污泥产生美拉德反映生成消融性难降解无机物,其液体产品可作为有用碳源弥补到低碳源污水厂进水。
    Due to hindered agriculture use and limited space for landfill as well as secondary pollution, the mainstream technology route of municipal sludge treatment and disposal is facing difficulties in China. So it is urgent to analyze its feasible path from scientific approaches. According to requirements of moisture content in sludge disposal process, it is suggested to remove or transform organic matter when sludge moisture exists. Meanwhile, the feasibility analysis is carried out from the point of view of biomass conversion technology. Among them, hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) technology has the advantages of treating object without drying, easy to combine with other waste biomass and technology, sterile product and high recovery rate of phosphorus. Sludge-based hydrothermal biochar has two formation pathways, which are solid-solid and liquid phase nucleation transformations. It has the same calorific value as coal, good dehydration performance, high phosphorus enrichment recovery rate, and could fix heavy metals. Its carbon backbone could be used as a slow-release carrier of nitrogen and phosphorus so as to increase soil fertility. Moreover, the biochar with inorganic fertilizer reduction and application has both functions of agricultural economic value and environmental ecological benefits. Sludge HTC treatment could realize sludge reduction, stabilization, harmlessness and resource recovery. As a result, the process of gravity concentration/mechanical dehydration+HTC was taken as the recommended sludge treatment and disposal scheme, which was suitable for in situ and decentralized processing. In addition, low temperature (150-170 ℃) in HTC was suggested to prevent soluble refractory organics generating from Maillard reaction during high temperature, consequently, the liquid product could be used as an effective carbon source to supplement the low-carbon WWTP.


    [1]郭恰.IPCC污泥碳排放核算模子中DOC取值的不足与批改[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):49.GUO Qia.Lack and Correction of DOC Value in IPCC Calculation Model of Sludge Carbon Emission[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(16):49.[2]李尔,曾祥英.武汉市主城区污水厂污泥处置措置近况和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(18):8.LI Er,ZENG Xiang-ying.Current Situation and Prospect of Sludge Treatment and Disposal of WWTPs in the Main Urban Area of Wuhan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(16):8.[3]宋晓雅.集中式污泥处置中间的扶植与思虑[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(20):22.SONG Xiao-ya.Construction and Thinking of Centralized Sludge Treatment Center[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(16):22.[4]李雪怡,梁远,方小锋,等.北京市污泥处置措置近况总结阐发[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(22):38.LI Xue-yi,LIANG Yuan,FANG Xiao-feng,et al.Summarization and Analysis of Sludge Treatment and Disposal in Beijing[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(16):38.[5]许谦,蒋才芳,何志健,等.南宁市污泥处置措置工艺阐发和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):31.XUQian,JIANGCai-fang,HEZhi-jian,et al.Analysis and Prospect of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process in Nanning City[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(16):31.

    更新日期/Last Update:2020-08-17

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