





​乐鱼,GO-PVP/PVDF渗透膜的热质传递机理和污染特性 作者:韦纯忠1, 曾思1, 李冬冬1, 梁才航2(1.广西北投环保水务集团有限公司,广西 南宁 530000;2.桂林电子科技大学 机电工程学院


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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]韦纯忠,曾思,李冬冬,等.GO-PVP/PVDF渗入膜的热质传送机理和污染特征[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(5):80-87. WEI Chun-zhong,ZENG Si,LI Dong-dong,et al.Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism and Membrane Fouling Characteristics of GO-PVP/PVDF Permeable Membrane[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(5):80-87.点击复制

    Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism and Membrane Fouling Characteristics of GO-PVP/PVDF Permeable Membrane
    韦纯忠1, 曾思1, 李冬冬1, 梁才航2
    (1.广西北投环保水务团体无限公司,广西 南宁 530000;2.桂林电子科技年夜学 电机项目学院,广西 桂林 541000)
    WEI Chun-zhong1, ZENG Si1, LI Dong-dong1, LIANG Cai-hang2
    (1. Guangxi Beitou Environmental Protection & Water Group Co. Ltd., Nanning 530000, China; 2. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541000, China)
    permeable membrane;graphene oxide;heat and mass transfer;hydrophobicity;membrane fouling;molecular simulation
    渗入率低和疏水性差是限制渗入膜在膜蒸馏式海水淡化应用中的要害身分。为了提高膜的疏水性且连结高渗入机能,对便宜的超疏水氧化石墨烯-聚乙烯吡咯烷酮/聚偏氟乙烯(GO-PVP/PVDF)复合膜进行了热质传送的份子摹拟和污染物为腐殖酸(HA)、半胱氨酸(LC)、Ca2+的耐污染尝试,并经由过程Materials Studio(MS)软件成立了膜的传热传质模子。成果注解,GO含量越年夜膜概况的裂纹越少。摆布堆叠形态下复合膜的渗入机能最好且热导率最高,上下堆叠形态下膜机能最差。氢键感化能(Eel)为负值,并致使污染物和膜概况的彼此感化能为负值,是污染物富集在膜概况的首要感化力。另外,Ca2+离子会加重膜污染。
    Low permeability and poor hydrophobicity are the key factors limiting the application of permeable membranes in the field of seawater desalination. To improve the hydrophobicity and maintain a high permeability of the membrane, the molecular simulation of heat and mass transfer and pollution [pollutants were humic acid (HA), L-cysteine (LC) and Ca2+] resistance experiment of the prepared graphene oxide-polyvinylpyrrolidone/polyvinylidene fluoride (GO-PVP/PVDF) composite membrane were carried out. Then, the heat and mass transfer model of the membrane was established by using Materials Studio (MS) software. The higher content of GO resulted in the less cracks on the membrane surface. The permeability and thermal conductivity of the composite membrane with the left and right stacking mode was the best, while the performance of the composite membrane with the top and bottom stacking mode was the worst. The hydrogen bonding energy (Eel) was negative, which resulted in negative interaction energy between pollutants and the membrane surface, and was the main force for pollutant enrichment on the membrane surface. Furthermore, the addition of Ca2+aggravated the membrane fouling.


    [1]蒋宝军,孙一文,王新培,等.磁性TiO2/GO复合催化剂处置垃圾渗滤液实验研究[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(3):99.JIANGBao-jun,SUNYi-wen,WANGXin-pei,et al.Magnetic Titanium Dioxide/Graphene Oxide Composite Catalyst for Landfill Leachate Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(5):99.

    更新日期/Last Update:2023-03-01

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