





​乐鱼,污泥碳化系统试运行及污泥炭回归土壤可行性分析 摘要:介绍了10 t/d污泥碳化系统组成及运行工艺,分析了该系统的运行能耗及清洁性,在考察污泥炭相关性质的基础上对污泥炭回归土壤进行了深入讨论。运行数


焦点提醒:首 页期刊引见编委会投稿须知文章查询学术会议告白合作刊行定阅在线留言English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]鲁涛,朱宝飞,石春梅,等.污泥碳化系统试运转和污泥炭回归泥土可行性阐发[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(21):108-111. LU Tao,ZHU Bao fei,SHI Chun mei,et al.Test Run of Sewage Sludge Carbonization System and Feasibility An中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事PDF下载[1]鲁涛,朱宝飞,石春梅,等.污泥碳化系统试运转和污泥炭回归泥土可行性阐发[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(21):108-111. LU Tao,ZHU Bao fei,SHI Chun mei,et al.Test Run of Sewage Sludge Carbonization System and Feasibility Analysis of Sludge Carbon Land Use[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(21):108-111.点击复制污泥碳化系统试运转和污泥炭回归泥土可行性阐发中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第34卷 期数: 2018年21期 页码: 108-111 栏目: 手艺总结 出书日期: 2018-10-20Title:Test Run of Sewage Sludge Carbonization System and Feasibility Analysis of Sludge Carbon Land Use文章编号:1000-4602(2018)21-0108-04作者:鲁涛,朱宝飞,石春梅,刘丹,池保华,仲伟聪(西安航天源动力项目无限公司,陕西西安710100)Author(s):LU Tao,ZHU Bao fei,SHI Chun mei,LIU Dan,CHI Bao hua,ZHONG Wei cong(Xi’an Aerospace Yuan Dongli Engineering Co. Ltd., Xi’an 710100, China)要害词:市政污泥; 碳化; 洁净性; 能耗; 营养元素Keywords:sewage sludge; carbonization; cleanliness; energy consumption; nutrient分类号:TU992.3文献标记码:C摘要:引见了10 t/d污泥碳化系统构成和运转工艺,阐发了该系统的运转能耗和洁净性,在考查污泥炭相干性质的根本上对污泥炭回归泥土进行了深切会商。运转数据注解,以含水率为80%、干基低位热值为3 871.5 kJ/kg的市政污泥为原料,系统平均热能耗损为2 728.34 MJ/t,此中污泥本身可供给能耗287.52 MJ/t,外部输入能耗为2 440.82 MJ/t,电能耗损为79.2 kW·h/t。烟气经除尘、洗涤处置,便可实现达标排放,实现污泥洁净性措置。污泥炭中重金属含量合适农用泥质、园林绿化用泥质和地盘改进用泥质尺度要求。污泥炭中总营养含量为1.94%,低在园林绿化用泥质和农用泥质尺度要求,优在地盘改进用泥质要求。该工艺处置的污泥炭都可回归泥土,一方面实现了污泥终究消纳,另外一方面实现了营养元素收受接管操纵。Abstract:A sewage sludge carbonization system and operational process was introduced. The operation energy consumption and the emission of pollutants were analyzed. Based on the investigation of sewage sludge carbon properties, the feasibility of sewage sludge carbon land use was discussed. The moisture content of sewage sludge feedstock was 80%, and its low calorific ����APPvalue was 3 871.5 kJ/kg. The average heat energy consumption of the system was 2 728.34 MJ/t, in which the syngas derived from sewage sludge was 287.52 MJ/t, the external heat quantity required was 2 440.82 MJ/t, and the power consumption was 79.2 kW·h/t. The exhaust gas reached the national standard through the dedusting system and the washing system. The heavy metals contents of sewage sludge carbon reached the control standards for agriculture use, afforestation in gardens or forest, and land improvement. The total nutrients content of the sewage sludge carbon was 1.94%, which was below the control standards for agriculture use, afforestation in gardens or forest, but was beyond the control standards for land improvement. Therefore, the sewage sludge carbon is suitable for land use and nutrients recycling.参考文献/References:[1]张千丰,王光华. 生物炭理化性质和对泥土改进结果的研究进展[J]. 泥土与作物,2012,1(4):219-226. Zhang Qianfeng,Wang Guanghua. Research progress of physiochemical properties of biochar and its effects as soil amendments[J]. Soil and Crop,2012,1(4):219-226(in Chinese).[2]Yuan H R,Lu T,Wang Y Z,et al. Sewage sludge biochar:Nutrient composition and its effect on the leaching of soil nutrients[J]. Geoderma,2016,267:17-23.[3]鲁涛,袁浩然,王亚琢,等. 热解温度对污泥生物炭不变性和营养淋溶特征影响[J]. 化工学报,2015,66(7):2664-2669. Lu Tao,Yuan Haoran,Wang Yazhuo,et al. Influence of pyrolysis temperature on biochar stability and leaching properties of nutrients contained in biochar[J]. CIESC Journal,2015,66(7):2664-2669(in Chinese).[4]郭广慧,杨军,陈同斌,等. 中国城市污泥的无机质和营养含量和其转变趋向[J]. 中国给水排水,2009,25(13):120-121. Guo Guanghui,Yang Jun,Chen Tongbin,et al. Concentrations and variation of organic matter and nutrients in municipal sludge of China[J]. China Water & Wastewater,2009,25(13):120-121(in Chinese).类似文献/References:[1]李慧莉,何芙蓉,刘鹏程,等.外源酶强化秸秆污泥夹杂厌氧消化前提优化[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(15):6. LI Hui-li,HE Fu-rong,LIU Peng-cheng,et al.Optimization of Anaerobic Co-digestion Conditions of Straw and Sludge Enhanced by Exogenous Enzymes[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(21):6.[2]孙建升,叶雅丽,郑兴灿,等.昆明市污水处置厂污泥处置工艺的研究与切磋[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(18):108. SUN Jian-sheng,YE Ya-li,ZHENG Xing-can,et al.Research and Discussion on the Sludge Disposal Technology of Kunming WWTPs[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(21):108.[3]张会文,代晓炫,姜伟,等.市政污泥的水热反映减量化和水份赋存形态研究[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(7):96. ZHANG Hui-wen,DAI Xiao-xuan,JIANG Wei,et al.Reduction and Water Forms of Municipal Sludge Treated by Hydrothermal Reaction[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):96.[4]吕开雷,杨淘,陈紫君,等.电解铝烟气余热低温干化处置市政污泥项目利用[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(12):120. Lü Kai-lei,YANG Tao,CHEN Zi-jun,et al.Application of Low Temperature Drying in Municipal Sludge Treatment with Waste Heat of Electrolytic Aluminum Flue Gas[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):120.[5]李义烁,梁远,颜莹莹,等.餐厨垃圾/市政污泥/城市粪便结合厌氧消化沼液处置设想[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(14):56. LI Yi-shuo,LIANG Yuan,YAN Ying-ying,et al.Design of Treatment Process of Biogas Slurry from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste/Municipal Sludge/Urban Excrement[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):56.[6]李彪,周欣,高波,等.顺义区污泥干化燃烧处置项目工艺设想[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(14):63. LI Biao,ZHOU Xin,GAO Bo,et al.Design of Sludge Drying Incineration Treatment Process in Shunyi District[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):63.[7]东东,赵珊,郭学彬,等.典型污泥高级厌氧消化工艺中恶臭物资的散布特点[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(21):7. DONG Dong,ZHAO Shan,GUO Xue-bin,et al.Distribution Characteristics of Odorants in Typical Sludge Advanced Anaerobic Digestion Process[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):7.[8]程文,蒋岚岚,耿震,等.太原市城市污水厂污泥资本化操纵项目设想[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(24):72. CHENGWen,JIANGLan-lan,GENGZhen,et al.Engineering Design of Sludge Resource Utilization in Taiyuan Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(21):72.[9]李思敏,李思雨,唐锋兵,等.透风速度对市政污泥好氧堆肥氮素转化的影响[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(5):121. LISi-min,LISi-yu,TANGFeng-bing,et al.Effect of Ventilation Rate on Nitrogen Transformation of Municipal Sludge in Aerobic Composting[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(21):121.[10]刘欣欣,庞敏,李会东,等.污泥基磁性吸附剂制备和其去除废水中铜的研究[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(21):99. LIUXin-xin,PANGMin,LIHui-dong,et al.Preparation of Sludge-based Magnetic Adsorbent and Its Removal of Copper from Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(21):99.备注/Memo作者简介:鲁涛(1984- ),男,陕西富平人,博士,项目师,首要处置市政污泥、含油污泥和糊口垃圾等固体烧毁物措置手艺研发工作。E-mail:casc_lutao@126.com收稿日期:2018-01-12更新日期/Last Update: 2018-11-01中国给水排水杂志社官方网所有材料均源在网上的同享资本和期刊同享,请特殊留意勿做其他不法用处 若有加害您的版权或其他有损您好处的行动,请联系指出,地方会当即进行更正或删除相关内容论文颁发投稿邮箱:cnwater@vip.163.comCopyRight (C)2016 中国给水排水杂志社官方网 版权所有 津ICP备20004590号

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]鲁涛,朱宝飞,石春梅,等.污泥碳化系统试运转和污泥炭回归泥土可行性阐发[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(21):108-111. LU Tao,ZHU Bao fei,SHI Chun mei,et al.Test Run of Sewage Sludge Carbonization System and Feasibility Analysis of Sludge Carbon Land Use[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(21):108-111.点击复制

    Test Run of Sewage Sludge Carbonization System and Feasibility Analysis of Sludge Carbon Land Use
    LU Tao,ZHU Bao fei,SHI Chun mei,LIU Dan,CHI Bao hua,ZHONG Wei cong
    (Xi’an Aerospace Yuan Dongli Engineering Co. Ltd., Xi’an 710100, China)
    sewage sludge;carbonization;cleanliness;energy consumption;nutrient
    引见了10 t/d污泥碳化系统构成和运转工艺,阐发了该系统的运转能耗和洁净性,在考查污泥炭相干性质的根本上对污泥炭回归泥土进行了深切会商。运转数据注解,以含水率为80%、干基低位热值为3 871.5 kJ/kg的市政污泥为原料,系统平均热能耗损为2 728.34 MJ/t,此中污泥本身可供给能耗287.52 MJ/t,外部输入能耗为2 440.82 MJ/t,电能耗损为79.2 kW·h/t。烟气经除尘、洗涤处置,便可实现达标排放,实现污泥洁净性措置。污泥炭中重金属含量合适农用泥质、园林绿化用泥质和地盘改进用泥质尺度要求。污泥炭中总营养含量为1.94%,低在园林绿化用泥质和农用泥质尺度要求,优在地盘改进用泥质要求。该工艺处置的污泥炭都可回归泥土,一方面实现了污泥终究消纳,另外一方面实现了营养元素收受接管操纵。
    A sewage sludge carbonization system and operational process was introduced. The operation energy consumption and the emission of pollutants were analyzed. Based on the investigation of sewage sludge carbon properties, the feasibility of sewage sludge carbon land use was discussed. The moisture content of sewage sludge feedstock was 80%, and its low calorific value was 3 871.5 kJ/kg. The average heat energy consumption of the system was 2 728.34 MJ/t, in which the syngas derived from sewage sludge was 287.52 MJ/t, the external heat quantity required was 2 440.82 MJ/t, and the power consumption was 79.2 kW·h/t. The exhaust gas reached the national standard through the dedusting system and the washing system. The heavy metals contents of sewage sludge carbon reached the control standards for agriculture use, afforestation in gardens or forest, and land improvement. The total nutrients content of the sewage sludge carbon was 1.94%, which was below the control standards for agriculture use, afforestation in gardens or forest, but was beyond the control standards for land improvement. Therefore, the sewage sludge carbon is suitable for land use and nutrients recycling.


    [1]张千丰,王光华. 生物炭理化性质和对泥土改进结果的研究进展[J]. 泥土与作物,2012,1(4):219-226. Zhang Qianfeng,Wang Guanghua. Research progress of physiochemical properties of biochar and its effects as soil amendments[J]. Soil and Crop,2012,1(4):219-226(in Chinese).[2]Yuan H R,Lu T,Wang Y Z,et al. Sewage sludge biochar:Nutrient composition and its effect on the leaching of soil nutrients[J]. Geoderma,2016,267:17-23.[3]鲁涛,袁浩然,王亚琢,等. 热解温度对污泥生物炭不变性和营养淋溶特征影响[J]. 化工学报,2015,66(7):2664-2669. Lu Tao,Yuan Haoran,Wang Yazhuo,et al. Influence of pyrolysis temperature on biochar stability and leaching properties of nutrients contained in biochar[J]. CIESC Journal,2015,66(7):2664-2669(in Chinese).[4]郭广慧,杨军,陈同斌,等. 中国城市污泥的无机质和营养含量和其转变趋向[J]. 中国给水排水,2009,25(13):120-121. Guo Guanghui,Yang Jun,Chen Tongbin,et al. Concentrations and variation of organic matter and nutrients in municipal sludge of China[J]. China Water & Wastewater,2009,25(13):120-121(in Chinese).


    [1]李慧莉,何芙蓉,刘鹏程,等.外源酶强化秸秆污泥夹杂厌氧消化前提优化[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(15):6.LI Hui-li,HE Fu-rong,LIU Peng-cheng,et al.Optimization of Anaerobic Co-digestion Conditions of Straw and Sludge Enhanced by Exogenous Enzymes[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(21):6.[2]孙建升,叶雅丽,郑兴灿,等.昆明市污水处置厂污泥处置工艺的研究与切磋[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(18):108.SUN Jian-sheng,YE Ya-li,ZHENG Xing-can,et al.Research and Discussion on the Sludge Disposal Technology of Kunming WWTPs[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(21):108.[3]张会文,代晓炫,姜伟,等.市政污泥的水热反映减量化和水份赋存形态研究[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(7):96.ZHANG Hui-wen,DAI Xiao-xuan,JIANG Wei,et al.Reduction and Water Forms of Municipal Sludge Treated by Hydrothermal Reaction[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):96.[4]吕开雷,杨淘,陈紫君,等.电解铝烟气余热低温干化处置市政污泥项目利用[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(12):120.Lü Kai-lei,YANG Tao,CHEN Zi-jun,et al.Application of Low Temperature Drying in Municipal Sludge Treatment with Waste Heat of Electrolytic Aluminum Flue Gas[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):120.[5]李义烁,梁远,颜莹莹,等.餐厨垃圾/市政污泥/城市粪便结合厌氧消化沼液处置设想[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(14):56.LI Yi-shuo,LIANG Yuan,YAN Ying-ying,et al.Design of Treatment Process of Biogas Slurry from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste/Municipal Sludge/Urban Excrement[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):56.[6]李彪,周欣,高波,等.顺义区污泥干化燃烧处置项目工艺设想[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(14):63.LI Biao,ZHOU Xin,GAO Bo,et al.Design of Sludge Drying Incineration Treatment Process in Shunyi District[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):63.[7]东东,赵珊,郭学彬,等.典型污泥高级厌氧消化工艺中恶臭物资的散布特点[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(21):7.DONG Dong,ZHAO Shan,GUO Xue-bin,et al.Distribution Characteristics of Odorants in Typical Sludge Advanced Anaerobic Digestion Process[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(21):7.[8]程文,蒋岚岚,耿震,等.太原市城市污水厂污泥资本化操纵项目设想[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(24):72.CHENGWen,JIANGLan-lan,GENGZhen,et al.Engineering Design of Sludge Resource Utilization in Taiyuan Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(21):72.[9]李思敏,李思雨,唐锋兵,等.透风速度对市政污泥好氧堆肥氮素转化的影响[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(5):121.LISi-min,LISi-yu,TANGFeng-bing,et al.Effect of Ventilation Rate on Nitrogen Transformation of Municipal Sludge in Aerobic Composting[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(21):121.[10]刘欣欣,庞敏,李会东,等.污泥基磁性吸附剂制备和其去除废水中铜的研究[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(21):99.LIUXin-xin,PANGMin,LIHui-dong,et al.Preparation of Sludge-based Magnetic Adsorbent and Its Removal of Copper from Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(21):99.


    作者简介:鲁涛(1984- ),男,陕西富平人,博士,项目师,首要处置市政污泥、含油污泥和糊口垃圾等固体烧毁物措置手艺研发工作。E-mail:casc_lutao@126.com收稿日期:2018-01-12

    更新日期/Last Update:2018-11-01

    中国给水排水杂志社官方网所有材料均源在网上的同享资本和期刊同享,请特殊留意勿做其他不法用处 若有加害您的版权或其他有损您好处的行动,请联系指出,地方会当即进行更正或删除相关内容


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